What would my most ideal future look like to me?
I like to get a job, have a family and be involved withwould music but I don’t feel like that is enough information to describe what my future would look like, So here are a few specific goals that I hope to achieve in my life.
I will start my list with probably the most essential thing to have in order to live a healthy lifestyle. A job. I am not a person that would work well in a crowded working environment so knowing this I have to sort out my options. I think my first choice would have to be music, more specifically I would like to be in a band. I have always dreamed of going on tour around the world with no commitments besides singing and playing my guitar. This dream, surprisingly, seems to be the most realistic thing that I could see myself doing. If that doesn’t work out then I want to go to beauty school and become a hair stylist. I love styling hair into smooth and seamless positions. This has been a job option for me ever since I saw how much hair can change somebody’s whole appearance. Now, if for some reason those two plans fail, I have a third option. I’d also like to be a Barista. Yes, the coffee craftsman, the bean brewer, the charismatic crack dealer. I love coffee and more than that I love making coffee. I think I like making coffee for the same reason my mother likes making fancy dinners, admiring your craft when its complete and seeing approval in the face of the customer or family. When I checked out this job option on the internet, I read that all you need is your GED, which makes this job a perfect last resort.
Next on my list of goals is having a family. For starters, I want to find a beautiful wife that can offset my bad traits, so my kids are at least half normal. If I was to be totally honest, all I could really hope for in a family is to have one kid that shares my enthusiasm for music. I want to be there for my kids whenever they need me. I never want to leave my children with some crazy lady that was weird enough to leave me! I want my family to be able to trust me and talk to me about whatever is on their mind. Lastly, I hope that I can keep a good relationship with my mom, dad and siblings.
As I talked about briefly, as my first career choice, I want to be strongly involved in music. I feel music will help me express myself and keep a level head during all the stress that adult life will throw at me. Whether it is my career or just a hobby I will always be involved with music. If it is not for me then I will write music for big record deals and underground artists and above all, If I ever become famous, then I hope I don’t lose sight of what is important in my life.
In conclusion I hope my life includes a good job, a beautiful family and a close connection to music. I hope my life is full of purpose and meaning and I make a mark on this world.

How I met my best friend
It was on a monday when I met my best friend, the weather was cold and rainy and I had soccer practice in thirty minutes, I was ready to go. On the way there I was thinking about what we were going to be doing and if the weather was going to get better. Upon our arrival I saw the girls u14 team was practicing with our team. When I finally got over to my team I was informed that we were going to be scrimmaging against each other. This was a pleasant surprise due to the fact that I get along better with females better than males.
When we got our positions on the field I was assigned midfield ( the only position that plays offense and defense. ) when we started I saw kenzie, she is tall, tan, and fast. The weird thing was we always seemed to find each other like we went to the same school, we go to the same church and now we play together every monday. We ended up just catching up and not paying attention to the game. Now we hang out three times a week. I think the reason me and kenzie get along is because she is like the girl version of me. I love having a female friend that I don’t want anything more than friendship with.